Sunday, 30 October 2016


Well I have to confess I nearly forgot to take photo's of the Sasha's attending! But did remember in time to go and take a few. There were not as many dolls attending as in previous years so plenty of room for them to stand.although a few did group together on one of the tables! a little behind on putting on this post.

These dolls seem to be doing as much chatting as their mum's were!

Dawn's curly haired Sasha was showing off her refurbished pram.

Dawn's done a great job on this pram, love the bag she's found to sit just like they did back then at the end.

A couple of dolls needed to rest after their long journey.

I just had to visit with Arabella , who used to live here in the village.

I took this photo of these charming toddlers together with the baby i front, not realising that they were in fact the only two pairs of Trendon toddlers ever made! No wonder they had so much to talk about! It had been a good while since they'd met up!

a couple of twin red haired girls

Love this girl belonging to Jane S, Beautiful detailing on her dress and a wonderful outfit in total, she was much admired .

 a few decided to stand on the window ledges to make sure they got a good view.

At least these did leave the kitchen sink at home but did bring the cooker!

I caught up with the beautiful Elizabeth belonging to Diane

She is truly beautiful  and looked perfect in her red dress.

Spot the fraud !

Loved these two on the bike, great outfits! perfect pose !


We always like to see other dolls that are out in the doll world and Teddy brought along his Xenis doll Wendy. She is from their limited edition story group , of Peter Pan and Wendy, there is also a large Captain Hook and a tiny Tinkerbell.

I had a good chat with Teddy and got Paul to bring my Xenis doll from Home, so that Teddy could see the smaller limited edition dolls.

Our featured dolls this year were the Muller Wichtel Elves , some of the Sasha collectors have a few of these, as I do myself, so a little elf meeting took place at one side of the stage !

They were very interested in all the people gathered about chatting and buying things for their dolls, they even found a few things that would fit them!

There were also a couple of Little darlings present.

So they are the photo's I took of the visitors.

next up the Jamboree display.

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