Sunday, 23 October 2016


I thought I'd start with the very well laden-ed sales tables as I know that's the part you all really want to see. So here we go!

First up we have a Passion for Sasha with lots of lovely new fabrics!
more from Ginny's

Jane Woodwards lovely table of beautiful knits.

More of Jane's ,I did purchase an Item or two from this table.

just around from Jane was Ruth and Lisa Hartley's sales table.

lots to chose from here  

Some of Ruth's dresses.

Then next we have Diane Dukes lovely knits.

Then we have Judith of Dolly Doodles, lots to choose from here.

and more

so many lovely things, I did mention I may have to ban her next year! Purely in the interests of being able to still have some money left for food!! 

Hoodles of Doodles..

then round to Jane Woodbridge/ Denham's lovely knits.

Jane also had a few accessories for the dolls..

Next was Janet Myhill Dabbs, beautiful outfits 

more from Janet.

Then we had Brneda Walton's table of Original Sasha items, Brenda having worked in the Trendon Factory in Stoke on Trent for those of you who don't already know.

lots of Original items at fair prices

love that pile of hats!

Then we had Marilyn Hopkiss with her wonderful smocked dresses.

More of Marilyn's


Back round to Ginny of A Passion for Sasha,





Ginny' T's

Ginny's, I love the fabric's on the two blue blouses

Next up is Michelle of Delectable Delights, loads of fabulous tights and trousers,

Her cropped trousers for Sasha's also fit the baby's as full length trousers and the Wichtel dolls!
She was also selling lovely little necklaces for the Sasha's.

more from Michelle

Then Susan B- L with her table of Sasha sizes accessories

more accessories.

Chris Meatyards Table of goodies.

Chris was selling Fabric's , wool and patterns suitable for making dolls clothes.

Dawn Law's was up next selling on a few of her Dolls.


more of Dawn's.

Gayle Rotheim opened up her shoe shop next to dawn.

More of Gayle's shoes.

Well as you can see a Sasha shoppers paradise! Loads to chose from.

If anyone is interested in anything They have seen , just email me , my emails on my sales page and I'll forward your email on to the seller in question.


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