Wednesday, 12 October 2016


I am hoping that those attending this years Chat N Snap would like to join me in filling some shoes boxes for the Samaritans Purse Christmas Child appeal.

Below are that details of whats allowed in the boxes.

 The boxes need filling with new items only and can be clothes, toys, school supplies, hygiene items. You can't include liquids or lotions, bubbles, food.

Wrap the box and lid separately so it can be checked and secure with elastic band. Then label with category- Boy or girl Aged 2-4 years Aged 5-9 years Aged 10-14 years

Also need to include £3 donation for air mail.
I thought we could use some of the money raised to cover the £3 postage costs for any boxes we managed to fill. So  I would be interested to hear if   1/ you like this idea and 2/ if you can bring something along to go into a box.

Also if enough people are happy to support this a few covered shoe boxes would be handy!

I look forward to hearing your response to this,




  1. This used to be a very popular idea with the schools and hopefully a lovely Christmas surprise for those receiving them and a super idea to link to the Cn'S involvement for Charity.

    Maybe this idea in the form of a box for a Sasha/Gregor Doll could be included as one of the raffle prizes?

    1. Hopefully people will bring things to fill a few. :)
      A mini Sasha sized box sounds good but it would be sooo small to get things in!

    2. Was thinking of a NORMAL sized shoe box filled with Sasha/Gregor items (clothes, shoes, toys, accessories etc.) as one of the raffle price.

  2. Hi Dee, I used to do a lot of fundraising for our Skatepark and I have lots of items left over. Including whole sets of new books. I'll bring along what I have and maybe we could use these for the Christmas boxes. I can also bring along a box. Do you want me to cover it? xxx

    1. That would be great Karin , yes please cover the box it will save me having to do it :)xxx
