Saturday, 1 October 2016


Only twenty one days to go!!!!! Sorry to say I have been very bad with this blog for this years event comes of life getting in the way.
So lets get some info out there!.

Please bring a prize for the raffle if you are able, always good to have a nice spread of prizes, as all profits from this event go to worthy charities.

The display this year is a Brownie, cub, rainbow Jamboree, so please bring a Sasha, Gregor or toddler dressed  to attend.

There will be a table for those people who are NOT having a sales table to display up to three dolls ( Sasha or Gregors, toddlers and babies ) that they would like to have adopted. there is a £1 fee payable for this, for charity pot. If you want to use this service , you will need to tag your doll, with price, and details and your name , so that anyone interested can come and find you to speak about the doll.
Please do not carry round dolls you may be considering as this would be unfair to the seller, if the dolls missing from the table for hours only to be returned later.Please note dolls left on table will not be policed as all Sasha collectors are honest people and known to each other. If you don't want to leave the doll there , you can leave a card with your details and people can come find you to look at the doll.

Food and drink will be available as usual, we do not supply food for people with any dietary needs,so please bring your own food with you, this is a service  kindly run for us by my daughter and other family members , so that we can enjoy ourselves without having to volunteer and then miss out on chatting and snapping! If you can please also bring a cup or mug which will save on washing up and me trying to find enough cups for all.
There will be cups for those who forget or are traveling along distance.

If you have not yet paid for your ticket can you do so. If you would like a ticket a few are still available , so please contact me.

This years, other featured doll will be the Muller Wichtel's which have become popular with some of our group. So if you have one or more please bring them along, so others can see them.

Keep checking for any other info.

see you all very soon



  1. See you soon Dee, I am getting rather excited to see everyone again! xxx
